Have you ever heard of any celebrities from Harvard? Mark Zuckerberg? Natalie Portman? Matt Damon? Or to be further, have you ever known someone from Harvard? Well, it's time to make your choice!!! The special guest today is a girl from Harvard and now recently in Taiwan making her own vlogs. Let's meet Jingerlon!!!
Jingerlon(姜安蓉), an adorable girl from west America,come to Taiwan after achieving her bachelor degree. At first, she was studying Taiwanese. And now, she is a student of National Taiwan University Entomology.(國立台灣大學昆蟲學系)
#Jingerlon's YouTube channel LINK
From time to time, she would give some introduction about insects such as mosquitoes, cockroaches and ants. She'd like to clear all those misunderstanding that ordinary people would think about these insects.
#埃及斑蚊 LINK

Also, she sometimes would make some amusing clips upon all kinds of things. Cultural difference, eating habits or even video games can be the topic of her clips.

Just FYI, Jingerlon is a big fan of 汪東城. If it happens that 汪東城 is also your favorite celebrity, then you should probably just go say hi to Jingerlon and befriend with her!!!
Go check her out!!!
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/gingerlon
A friend of mine also studies Entomology, and I can totally image what life Jingerlon holds from her haha!